Ana Richter



29 Stories by Ana Richter

Hoping to recoup is what ruins the gambler

The Irish proverb, hoping to recoup is what ruins the gambler, proved once again true on the weekend. President Macron’s reckless gamble not only...
0 2 min read

Reinventing the Wheel(ie Bin)

As we often feel a somewhat wicked sense of relief when it turns out that the grass is not always greener in the neighbor’s...
0 4 min read

In the meantime, elsewhere in the world

There are certain events that are, or at least seem to be, so important that they demand all our attention, leaving us blindsided to...
0 5 min read

A sobering cold shower: Asylum Report 2024

Looking more closely at the key issues that have a major impact not only on European politics, but also on the daily lives of...
0 3 min read

France at the crossroads

Dark suit. Dark tie. Grim face. Solemn, slightly dramatic voice. As if on a funeral. This was the image French President Emmanuel Macron projected...
0 3 min read

Peace über alles

On most occasions, the Katholikentag, or German Catholic Day (a five-day long religious celebration for real) comes and goes without much ado. There are...
0 4 min read

Ursula von der Leyen, the (failed) crisis manager

While promises made on the campaign trail get a politician elected, it is the unexpected challenges that give a real test of leadership skills...
0 3 min read

Mostly empty promises

As the world waits eagerly to see, whether Queen Ursula will get a chance for a second term or not, it might be interesting...
0 4 min read

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