Christopher Tapp


160 Stories by Christopher Tapp

In the clash of the European elites, Trumpists seem to win the day

Many experts agree that, with the inauguration of Donald Trump on 20 January for his second term as U.S. President, major changes in the...
0 4 min read

A Laundry List for the New German Government

One could be tempted to try to blame this or that political decision for the downfall of the Scholz government. It would be a...
0 2 min read

From the Cold War to Maestro Verdi and the war in Ukraine: the key findings as of the CEE countries’ gas and oil supply

Russian gas exports via Soviet-era pipelines running through Ukraine came to a halt on New Year’s Day, marking the end of decades of Moscow’s...
0 3 min read

The Race for Trump’s Grace

It’s difficult to say who’s winning the race for President-elect Donald Trump’s grace, but the competition is fierce, and the number of competitors grows...
0 3 min read

Is this already Germany’s way back into the arms of Russia?

The fact that last December, the German Bundestag has decided to provide Ukraine with further military aid, including short and medium-range air defence missile...
0 2 min read

The Trump-Musk Bromance and the Rest of the World

The dust hasn’t even settled after Trump’s election win last year, politicians around the world were already gearing up for their charm-offensives to establish...
0 3 min read

South Korea and Georgia Lead The Absurdist Charge

What do you call a president who believes they can defy voters, laws, and the most basic forms of reason? If you’re in South...
0 3 min read

A few thoughts to the sidelines of Romania’s Presidential Elections

After nearly a decade of poor governance and strategic political decisions made without meaningful voter involvement or real debates about consequences, directions, and outlooks,...
0 3 min read

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