Christopher Tapp


126 Stories by Christopher Tapp

Lessons on democracy, European Parliament-style

Sitting in a Viennese hotel, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, former Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babis, former Austrian Minister of Interior Herbert Kickl and...
0 3 min read

In liberal democracies, disagreement with mainstream is no longer tolerated

What has led to the return of assassinations to politics, both in Europe and in America? Is it the deterioration of political discourse, the...
0 4 min read

A shortlist for the top jobs – check. But at what cost?

If everything goes according to plans in the autumn, then Ursula von der Leyen will be the President of the European Commission for another...
0 2 min read

Official: migration to EU in 2023 reaches historic 2015 peak

A campaign topic for European elections, a party slogan, a phenomenon that can easily lead to resignation of governments and affects the lives of...
0 4 min read

A few notes on the European Parliamentary elections

The next few months will be probably spent by analyzing the results, the causes and the consequences of the last European Parliamentary elections. But...
0 2 min read

Von der Leyen’s vicious master plan to keep power

With the upcoming European election, the science-fiction world of digital geopolitics seems to be turning into reality. In this new reality, far right can...
0 4 min read

French-German double game paves the way for China to become a regional hegemon

Despite the fact that a number of platforms of cooperation aimed at developing mutually beneficial relations between the European Union or its regions and...
0 4 min read

They are fighting for the freedom of speech, aren’t they?

On May 17, 2024, the European Council decided to suspend the broadcasting of four media outlets in the EU (following the similar step taken...
0 3 min read

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