Ana Richter



29 Stories by Ana Richter

A realistic fairy tale.

A long time ago in a galaxy far-far away, during a time of great economic turmoil, the leaders of a prosperous nation decided to...
0 4 min read

Thus passes the worldly glory …

When Ursula von der Leyen announced her re-election bid as European Commission president, the outcome seemed almost certain. Her bid was backed unanimously by...
0 3 min read

Spain’s Sánchez top achievement: exporting migration to other Member States

In late April, Spain’s socialist Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez barely escaped resignation over corruption allegations linked to his wife. Considering the huge efforts and...
0 4 min read

To get involved or not to get involved, that’s the question

Usually, foreign policy takes a backseat during U.S. presidential elections, while domestic issues dominate the debates.  Except when two ingredients are present in a...
0 4 min read

The problem with political prophecies

On March 29 Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk gave an interview to European media grouping LENA, making his views very clear about the future...
0 4 min read

Looking behind the numbers…

A recent Gallup report (published mid-March and involving 12,000 Americans aged 18 and older, 85.6 percent of whom identified as heterosexual) showed that 7.6...
0 3 min read

History can never repeat itself, but….

By the time this article gets published, the leaders of Europe had their meeting about sending or not sending, now, after all those months...
0 3 min read

Roadblocks, burning tires, with spilled wine – farmer protests across Europe

European agriculture was never the easiest or the most exciting topic, and always raised controversial questions. An average EU citizen does not think too...
0 4 min read

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