Christopher Tapp


126 Stories by Christopher Tapp

Biden „will be back”, but will he really do so?

Enjoying some well-deserved social un-distancing after months of lockdown we had a nice chat with a few fellow minded friends about the upcoming events...
0 8 min read

A new episode of the Big Tech saga

Even though I’m working on the next part of the EU tax reform analysis as promised, I felt the urge to reflect on the...
0 6 min read

Tax havens” or „countries with competitive tax systems

I wish I could say that after accepting the MFF and the recovery plan, the EU Member States lived together happily ever after till…...
0 2 min read

Is there enough sugar in Charles Michel’s bag?

Since time is running out to reach an agreement on the MFF (and the recovery package, by the way), expect some heavy diplomatic fight...
1 4 min read

McKinsey – experts on migration, among others

Outsourcing governmental tasks to private companies is nothing new and you can see this kind of cooperation on virtually every field, including not only...
0 4 min read

The Gaia-X platform launched

First of all Chaos came into being. But then Gaia broad-chested, always the unshakable seat of all the immortals who hold the peaks of...
0 4 min read

To China or not to China, that is the question (Part II.)

In the previous part I dwelled into the EU-China trade relations, providing some background and trying to draw attention to the fact that every...
1 8 min read

To China or not to China, that is the question (Part I.)

Now, that COVID-19 occupies only about half of the front page, the EU has finally time to focus on a very Hamletian dilemma: To...
0 6 min read

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