
Desperate times call for desperate measures

Ever since Hippocrates, humanity often relied on the desperate times call for desperate measures principle in their need. Starting with the Roman Republic, one...
Christopher Tapp
2 min read

What next after the ECHR decision on climate change?

With its latest decision, the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) ruled that government inaction on climate change violated fundamental human rights. The aim...
Arrigo Mazzi
4 min read

A new European “definition” for freedom of speech?

The National Conservatism Conference, though it was labeled as “Farage’s and Orbán’s right wing jamboree” is not the meeting point for hardcore European Neo-Nazis....
Arrigo Mazzi
3 min read

Meloni on the wrong track?

There hasn’t been a week lately without an article about the surge of far-right parties in Europe before the next EP election. If one...
Arrigo Mazzi
4 min read

Green, Greener, Greenest … or not

In the year 1789, something new and inspiring began.  On July 14, the Bastille, the notorious prison in the outskirts of Paris was stormed...
Leslie Zelinka
5 min read

Daring to say it out loud …

The age-old adage says that the boss is always right. Then, Rule #2 says that if the boss is wrong, please refer to Rule...
Leslie Zelinka
3 min read


Looking back over the past two months, a definite increase of voices in the EU arguing for a more direct involvement in the war...
Christopher Tapp
6 min read

The end of the French “gloire”?

Though President Macron’s suggestion to send NATO soldiers to Ukraine was not completely out of the blue, yet it was so shocking, something difficult...
Christopher Tapp
4 min read

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