Christopher Tapp


160 Stories by Christopher Tapp

Replacement migration to rebuild Ukraine?

After the end of the conflict, Ukraine may begin to be populated with Africans and Afghans in order to prevent a demographic catastrophe.’, these...
0 5 min read

Ukraine fatigue could further strengthen far-right in Europe

’The trip, which was viewed as a key opportunity by Ukrainian officials for Zelensky to sell the United States on how to support Ukraine...
0 4 min read

A few thoughts on Macron’s Berlin visit

Emmanuel Macron’s recent visit to Berlin was supposed to be one of those grand moments when the European Union’s two powerhouses would reaffirm their...
0 4 min read

National legislative arsenals are ready for use against European rules

Critical level in negative impacts of mass migration have been reached in EU this year which led to a new, almost rebellious approach in...
0 5 min read

Will Swiss Neutrality Take a Long Lunch Break?

Swiss people are proud of their clocks, chocolate, cheese, green pastures, tall mountains, crystal clear blue lakes (save for the ones they filled with...
0 6 min read

The rise of the Baltics and what is behind

There is nothing new about the idea that the Baltic States are considered US political labs in Europe – safe coutries where new ’recepies’...
0 7 min read

The “Trumptopia” of saving the dollar.

Donald Trump brought the issue of “dollar dominance” to the spotlight once more. As the election campaign enters its final stage, one of his...
0 4 min read

Financing Ukraine – should it be at the expense of territorial cohesion

Though the end of the war in Ukraine is nowhere near in sight, the problem of eventual rebuilding is already the subject of many...
0 3 min read

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