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Rough weeks in France

16 October, 2020. Samuel Paty, a history teacher was beheaded in a Parisian suburb in what President Emmanuel Macron has called an “Islamist terrorist...
Christopher Tapp
7 min read

Trump vs Biden, first round

I wrote this article before the big COVID-19 chaos took over the White House, thought for days about rewriting it, but, in the end,...
Christopher Tapp
4 min read

Breaking Bad. London Edition.

Being so close to each other, it is hard to imagine that the UK and the EU can coexist successfully without a strong cooperation,...
Marta Loeb
3 min read

Another round of Brexit talks and … not much…

There’s a little more than a month until the October 16-17 Summit that is supposed to finalize the Brexit deal. And that’s an awfully...
Marta Loeb
3 min read

Biden „will be back”, but will he really do…

Enjoying some well-deserved social un-distancing after months of lockdown we had a nice chat with a few fellow minded friends about the upcoming events...
Christopher Tapp
8 min read

Growing Turmoil in the Eastern Mediterranean

Tensions escalating. Contested island. Dispute about maritime rights. Warships colliding. Well, this could describe the US-China standoff in the South China Sea. Only it...
Marta Loeb
4 min read

A new episode of the Big Tech saga

Even though I’m working on the next part of the EU tax reform analysis as promised, I felt the urge to reflect on the...
Christopher Tapp
6 min read

Alas, there’s not even one step forward on the…

Before last week felt like a quiet one. After the great excitement of Tuesday (the EU has a budget at last, yeah – of...
Marta Loeb
3 min read

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