
A few thoughts on the Nord Stream II deal

There are many arguments pro and contra the Nord Stream II pipeline. If one would ask German businessmen, like former Chancellor Gerhard Schröder or...
Leslie Zelinka
3 min read

Wang’s List(s)

Once, in 1993 there was Schindler’s List. Then came The Waiting List, the A-List, Death List, The Bucket List, The Client List and The...
Christopher Tapp
2 min read

In desperate need of a brave Hand of the…

D: Good. Shall we begin? T: Do we have a plan? D: I will crucify the masters, I will set their fleets on fire,...
Christopher Tapp
3 min read

Restrictions popping up again across Europe

It was too good to be true. Starting May, plus/minus few weeks, countries all over the world began to lift restrictions. Life was supposed...
Christopher Tapp
2 min read

Rainbow Wars

For a very long time it seemed that only a few topics could possibly push the COVID pandemic off from the front page, but...
Leslie Zelinka
4 min read

A new approach to Danish immigration policy

A new law proposed by the Danish Social Democratic Government and supported by the opposition on the right and the far right takes an...
Marta Loeb
3 min read

G7 back in person, finally … so what?

The Cabris Bay G7 Summit Communiqué is lengthy. About 13960 words from start to finish, excluding the title at the beginning and the usual...
Leslie Zelinka
2 min read

European strategic independence – a few thoughts on capabilities

It was not President Trump’s doing. His sometimes hectic and other times unorthodox foreign policy only forced European leaders to say it out loud:...
Christopher Tapp
2 min read

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